ABC15 Arizona
This is the official YouTube channel for ABC15 Arizona, delivering the latest Phoenix local news and weather. We look to uplift Arizona with good news stories, and our investigations help fight for what's right.
We are Everything Arizona: Breaking News, Weather, Investigations and more.
We are Everything Arizona: Breaking News, Weather, Investigations and more.
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Channel Comments
(4 minutes ago)
When I was 3, I got a piece of foam stuck up my nose for more than a month.
(9 minutes ago)
"Shes smarter than her parents"
(18 minutes ago)
every time I see the case of a child who is called a genius, I think about the pressure that child will have throughout their life to constantly prove that they're the best, and if things change over time, they will feel like a failure and feel like they let everyone around them down. Hope she has a good life in the future.
(28 minutes ago)
Girl: plays with duolingo
(32 minutes ago)
When I was 3 I swallowed a flower and had to go to the hospital..
(47 minutes ago)
The funny thing here is that Mensa in Spanish means stupid or dumb
(52 minutes ago)
When I was 3 I slipped on a LEAF and broke my FEMUR
(1 hour ago)
"She's smarter than Mom and Dad..." Correction: She has the potential for greater intelligence than her parents. They still have more knowledge than her due to experience and education, but when she gets to their age she will have much more if she keeps with this upswing. Having a great ability to learn does not mean one has already learned.
(2 hour ago)
Well this sounds like a recipe for depression at age 7
(3 hours ago)
When you guess at an IQ test and you get them* all correct.
(13 hours ago)
This is an incredible little girl. All the information I know about geniuses is that they often fail in life because of the social aspect! Keep her emotions and social interactions paramount.
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