WMAR-2 News
WMAR-2 News's Channel
ORIGINAL: Mother drags son from Baltimore riots
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WMAR-2 News
Baltimore's news station since 1947.
Channel Comments
brianfrtz (3 minutes ago)
Better the hand of his mother than the bullet of an officer.
CurtisAlfeld (10 minutes ago)
Before doing something, ask yourself; "would my mother beat my ass if she caught me doing this?" If the answer is "yes", then don't do it.
patrickharper499 (18 minutes ago)
But credit has also got to go to the boy for not showing any disrespect to his mom after those smacks....... rioting was bad move
ELM22 (28 minutes ago)
This is about a mother afraid of losing her child.
erikos1225 (31 minutes ago)
hope this kid realizes someday how lucky he is to have this woman as his mother
Now2Later (46 minutes ago)
She snapped without dropping the cell phone.
makeitubE (51 minutes ago)
She deserves a Nobel Peace Prize. That mom is a hero. The son just doesn't realize it yet.
drsinister07 (1 hour ago)
Mooooom you're embarrassing me in front of the other rioters...
jakeharris1595 (2 hour ago)
Even if he managed to get away from her.... she knows where he lives and shes seen where he sleeps
RagingGoldenEagle (2 hours ago)
Well, this "gangsta" can say goodbye to all his street cred now!
nightrider3067 (10 hours ago)
This chick got more control than the police LOL
lmaka1 (11 hours ago)
I love how every bystander understands what is happening and wants to stay clear of the wrath of the angry mother chastising her wayward son.
tigergreg8 (5 hours ago)
I LOVE this woman and I don't even know her. Now, we need another 1000 like her )
jry1601 (17 hours ago)
This mom is my hero!  I had a mother like this and it is the reason why I'm the honest and respectful person I am today!   She's in heaven now, but I still feel her strong hand guiding me.
CrmlG72 (10 hours ago)
Every part of me felt what that mother was feeling! She beat his ass so she didn't have to bury his ass! That's love in my book!
jorgemacias4006 (16 hours ago)
No matter your age, you Mom will always be the toughest opponent lol
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