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Channel Comments
coko420 (4 minutes ago)
The interviewer, was very professional, and simply fantastic. The complete lack of judgement was wonderful.
briannarios1301 (10 minutes ago)
The reporter is so beautiful and unbiased. She’s remarkable.
juliar.9342 (17 minutes ago)
The reporter was amazing she was a great pick. I love how she kept her personal opinions to herself and focused on the story and issue
erinschneider3212 (28 minutes ago)
Here's my two cents:
ericflagg (31 minutes ago)
"I'm not a piece of trash...I'm a human being."
lsabael0.281 (47 minutes ago)
The host is so educated now that’s empowering
kittysoft_pawwws5127 (51 minutes ago)
Oh my goodness I burst into tears when Layla broke down and started crying. I’m so happy to hear she’s thriving and helping others. What an amazing and strong person.
HarinderSingh-dy7pg (2 hour ago)
The irony is that if you do it on camera its called porn and its completely legal.
OhSoCarmen (2 hour ago)
It's funny that they pride themselves on testing the women and doing background checks on them, but what about the random "customers"?!
bdexpress4972 (3 hours ago)
Interviewer is so professional and respective towards all the models.
Raisa-gb4fh (15 hours ago)
I've met hookers in my life, not in the way you might think. I've just met them, had conversations with them. Some of them really are kind and precious human beings. Don't judge them by their jobs. It's really not fair. They're human beings.
PhleGmatic1 (9 hours ago)
“We are a family“ says a man who would never allow his daughter to join the business.
silvervixen007 (20 hours ago)
It's so sad that these girls are so educated yet that's the job that pays them the best
TheROMaNProject (17 hours ago)
This is an excellent example of investigative reporting, a rapidly declining skill in the U.S. Kudos!
drexyspivey (7 hours ago)
Damn.... this journalist is incredible. This is legit. She is so professional, and simply reporting facts with no judgement.
thankyounext1548 (11 hours ago)
heystobit228 (12 hours ago)
The host is so pretty her face is so pure and innocent she looks so elegant (im gonns need that skin care routine)
scorpionking3000 (15 hours ago)
Super presentation. I can't recall I've seen any better. The compassion and complete honesty of presenting the truth is insane! I feel grateful. Thank you.
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