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(4 minutes ago)
Well, at least they retained X5's X vs. Zero and Dynamo battle themes...those were good tracks.
(10 minutes ago)
9,999 Mega Nuts i never know about the rank Ultimate Hunter or using the flame blade to open up a new path in wolf gang's stage trying it out Tommorrow. Thanks man.
(17 minutes ago)
When you bring Zero back in X2, it's the real Zero.
(27 minutes ago)
Stage effects don't stack, and simply entering a stage can activate the nightmare effect. That means if you enter every stage once, then every stage will have a nightmare effect of some sort.
(32 minutes ago)
Super Bonus with Dynamo: If you use Meteor Rain/Enzuisan (Zero's down+Z-Buster move)/Shadow Armor jumping charged shot to the head, you can stun him ala High Max for a free hit. You can get THREE boss-level Nightmare Souls this way, allowing you to break the 1000 Soul mark in Ground Scaravitch's stage and making farming much easier overall.
(46 minutes ago)
2:33 Also I don't know why but something gives me the feeling that it's not meant to represent blushing. Especially considering that with the style of artwork here, I've seen that quite a lot on characters faces. It could just be me though.
(51 minutes ago)
Use meteor rain (X) or ensuizan (Zero) to Dynamo.. once Dynamo stuns by those, fire another shot of the weapon to drop nightmare souls from Dynamo then collect it.. it helps you to rank up faster.
(2 hour ago)
Dynamo is like that guy that shows up during a conversation with the final boss. He says "I have returned! You shall not defeat me so easily-" X interrupts and kills him with one shot because it's Dynamo, the guy just trying to serve Sigma, but failing horribly at it.
(2 hour ago)
x6 was way to hard
(3 hours ago)
(14 hours ago)
It was. Lots of things have changed since I started perfect running~!
(3 hours ago)
Just go to the stage. Being in Blaze Heatnix's stage triggers his Nightmare effect in Blizzard Wolfang's and Infinity Mijinion's stages. When you exit Blaze Heatnix's stage, there will be falling fireballs in Blizzard Wolfang's stage (unless you go to Shield Sheldon's stage in between, which will replace the fireballs with a different Nightmare effect).
(11 hours ago)
True, but the fact that it's the intended end for the Mega Man X series (and does a darn good job at it) makes it my personal favourite~
(6 hours ago)
@JaredofArt I really prefer the normal stages over fortress stages. Maybe one day (probably not for this game) but not likely I'll ever do them.
(20 hours ago)
Hm...just to make sure, we are talking about the same wall, right? The one right after the first downward slope after the series of bottomless pits? The fireballs don't show up until about that point in the level. (Meanwhile, the other Nightmare effect is only present in the first half of the level, where the fireballs wouldn't be.) I did an LP of MMX6 myself, if you want to check it out.
(10 hours ago)
Show us the nightmare effects!!!!
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