Lillyheart Warrior
Lillyheart Warrior's Channel
Lillyheart Warrior
I'm eepy
Channel Comments
lillyheartwarrior (3 minutes ago)
you wont be satisfied if you subscribe to me, so i advise you not to because i live stream more than anything else in this channel, sometimes post other stuff like this but rarely
shwark1 (9 minutes ago)
6 out of 1 I got a solarizon with 1 mut . Good Luck man
ibrokovi8495 (17 minutes ago)
I opend 50+ eggs and just got a hex so i am just gona farm for more eggs and open them when chanses are higher i got 40 eggs today so ye
shad00Q (28 minutes ago)
Omg I saw you in my game once
joe334 (32 minutes ago)
I got Sol on my 3rd egg I wanted a Hex lol but i Really like sol
rellag18 (46 minutes ago)
hatced sol with 6 eggs. getting 10 and not hatching it just highers your chance. keep going bro.
TitleZaReal (52 minutes ago)
me too i open egg solstice 140 egg i dont got solarizon
morrischarla (2 hour ago)
I know how this feels keep grinding my friend I have yet to get one️
elinapinto7305 (2 hour ago)
I got from 3 eggs a solar and from 8 eggs too one im happy :)
blackxdragon6194 (2 hours ago)
I feel u I opened 20 eggs no hex or sol
darksonight (12 hours ago)
me 8 eggs = solarizon xd
fortnitepro420-t3z (1 hours ago)
opened over 50 eggs havent got anything
mcnuggets845 (16 hours ago)
Me just got 3 Solarizon within 3 days
fnaf1184 (10 hours ago)
Buying bat for 170k tarotta, charmed egg ,material order pot, pure white venid and adds
pepito6904 (3 hours ago)
I hatched a solar in my third egg and traded it dor 1Hex leg eyes and now I regret :')
shanttal5459 (13 hours ago)
I got sol for first try even it say %0
Whatsupeveryone-w9h (13 hours ago)
I’m planning to get 140+ eggs and hatch them all at the end of the season. Basically, I’m getting 10 eggs a day, and I already have 30 eggs since It’s day 3. The reason I’m opening them in the end of the event is cause the chances for hex will be high and same for solarizon. It’s basically a guaranteed chance that I get a hex and solarizon. I made my whole base with 100 incubators lol
MegaEromosele (19 hours ago)
I have 60 eggs and imma try to get Hex
thekaidobeast550 (16 hours ago)
I just open 3 egg and i alr got sol :p
Im open me 3 first egg im got a hex en that thé oder d'Ay open 5 egg got a oder hax im have 3 hex 1 im l'OSE BC a hacker have one hax end hé well it so im trade me 2 hex for a sol
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