Daniel Gonzalez
Daniel Gonzalez's Channel
Kangaroo Jack: Outback Rumble (Flash Game)
R.I.P Peter Sallis, OBE (Voice of Wallace)
The Polar Express (2004) 2005 DVD Overview
Roasting Marshmallows On An Open Fire
iPhone 7 Plus Camera Test (60fps)
My First Ever YouTube Channel
Intro for My Channel
Alpha and Omega
The One Show
Mulan (Disney)
Daniel Gonzalez
Sup? You all may know my sister's channel, tailsthefox456! Well I made my first YouTube channel to keep in touch with YouTubers everywhere! I'll be doing VHS/DVD openings & closings, vlogs, and other content for you to watch! So be sure to subscribe, like, and comment down below what you think or request a video from me and turn on notifications so you'll never miss one of my videos.

About me:
Name: Daniel Angel Gonzalez
Nickname: Bubba, Bubah, Babs, Danny, Dannyboy
Age: 21
Religion: Christian
Favorite food: pizza and burgers
Favorite animated movie: CWACOM
Favorite Christmas movie: Home Alone (1990)
Favorite cartoon: SpongeBob SquarePants, TMNT, Jimmy Neutron, VeggieTales
Favorite music: Newsboys, Gorillaz, Peter Andre, Akon
Favorite animal: dog
Hobbies: Video games, drawing, music, reading
Nationality: American
DOB: 9/18/2003
Where I live: US

The LORD is my shepherd, I lack nothing. Psalms 23:1.
Channel Comments
kerryallen9128 (4 minutes ago)
Yeah that's definitely definitely has got to be a full on panther down kitty and when it's right by you don't make any noise and also do not move any muscles because if you do then that panther wants to play and by play it means that the panther is going to attack
daliborjovanovic510 (9 minutes ago)
I love how for the first half, the panther is totally chill but seeing a kangaroo apparently sets him into a murderous rage.
bigstone7776 (18 minutes ago)
A first non-Jerry Bruckheimer Film
jamesbarlow3640 (28 minutes ago)
0:28 Jackie Legs: (narrating) If only those blokes had a flashlight. I ain’t got any yellow eyes.
jamesbarlow3640 (32 minutes ago)
0:40 Jackie Legs: (narrating) What were they doing? I didn’t know.
eduardomerino8098 (47 minutes ago)
Ong Charlie is spiderman.
gablit-gt8kk (51 minutes ago)
0:33 lights on
deshawnwilliams3358 (2 hour ago)
Kangaroo jack: G'DAY USA (Yd style) (A gift for @Yesenia the hedgehog)
PintheDog (1 hour ago)
I'm confused. Could Jackie speak or not?
Noahmediacorner (2 hours ago)
matthewwilliams1187 (5 hours ago)
Wish we were friends
gablit-gt8kk (5 hours ago)
DanielGonzalez-gf6oi (1 hours ago)
gablit-gt8kk (5 hours ago)
userid get finish at: 0.00 clean innertube fetch finish at: 0.10 main response parse finish at: 0.40 getAdditionalSections finish at: 0.60 applyHTML finish at: 1.70