Channel Comments
(3 minutes ago)
glad you've enjoyed it, Neenee17able, and glad you got a good chuckle out of it... seems to be some kinda trend with this vid; not what I had in mind when I made it, but if it makes people watch it, so be it I guess! when you can, please be sure to check out the other vidz on this station.
(9 minutes ago)
glad you've enjoyed it, Kingofadventurers. that's what we're here for! when you're able, please check the other vidz on this station.
(18 minutes ago)
glad, you liked it, Mr. Veas! when you can, please watch the other vidz on this station.
(27 minutes ago)
me alegro que le halla dado gracia este vid... no fue la intencion deseada, pero si puedo obtener una reaccion, para mi eso es lo importante! cuando pueda, favor de chequear los otros vidz en esta estacion.
(32 minutes ago)
thanx for your comment PanicButonProductons, glad you liked it & glad you dig my little fanmade spin on the origin of the Daemonic Deity known as .EXE! as for their looks...yeah, unfortunately that's how much i could make given the current CAW technology & the fact this game, like SVR 10 & 11 and WWE12 have no damn sense of scale whatsoever for some reason. when you're able, please check the other vidz on this station.
(47 minutes ago)
I honestly was expecting sonic playing/fighting in the actual sonc.exe game... but this next best thing. To naked hedgehog humans fighting in WWE. XD
(52 minutes ago)
yet asnother one who was amused with the vid... mission complete, I think! thanx for the comment Gon, and when you can spare a few minutes, please be sure to check the other vidz on this station.
(2 hour ago)
Didn't expect that O_O
(2 hour ago)
it is what it is, my G... still hope you did like it! if you did, and when you can spare some of your time, please check the other vidz on this station.
(3 hours ago)
Aver si hace la lucha de vaca y el pollito vs los androides numero 18 y numero 17 por favor
(5 hours ago)
and by winning, True-Sonic resurrected & liverated his friends...and Dr. Eggman, tho he didn't deserve it! glad you've enjoyed the show M.Godfrey and thanx for your comment. when you can, please check the other vidz on this station
(18 hours ago)
I had headphones on full blast I had a freaking heart attack
(14 hours ago)
which is why is so important to keep the volume on your speakers on a moderate volume. I claim NO responsibility for busted eardrums & bleeding ear canals! that said, here's hoping you still were able to enjoy the match. also, when you have some minutes to spare, please check the other vidz on this station... and lower the sound for better care of your ears.
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