紫衣大食's Channel

Channel Comments
紫衣大食 (3 minutes ago)
TNO: Second West Russian War Alternate history (unrealistic)
dwarow2508 (10 minutes ago)
Wow, the Red Army fought so well in this war. Encircling so many German forces despite such disadvantages is just astounding
sisophon1982 (17 minutes ago)
I love how this reminisced OTL Eastern Front Battles, Like Siege of Wolgagrad is Stalingrad and 2nd Battle of Muskau is Battle of Kursk
jevinliu4658 (27 minutes ago)
"Should have went for Caucasus instead of Moscow"
dendidondo5756 (31 minutes ago)
Tukhachevsky called his operation "Hyperborea" not cursed but not blessed as well.
As a Russian it is heartbreaking to imagine
gabbyfeministshow7509 (51 minutes ago)
I like this version. But from the WRRF’s introduction screen. It really states the war lasted for 2 months before it all came crashing down.
keycypress13238 (2 hour ago)
2:11 top ten saddest moments of all time
genericrando1676 (2 hour ago)
Small Error: The Aryan Brotherhood was established in 1961, previously, Perm was split into a dozen warlords, the most powerful being Alexander Meedev.
secrethideoute286 (2 hours ago)
Russia may have lost but the 6th army was still encircled lol
GeneralissimusStalin17 (2 hours ago)
Didn't the SS Coup happen at the same time as the 2nd Battle of Moscow and shouldn't the city be under siege at it's largest stage?
Fishyboy02828 (6 hours ago)
Basically, this was reverse Barbarossa which ended in a defeat for the WRRF
Aahmpower (16 hours ago)
This was amazing!, Excellent work!
AquaranSocialistRepublic (13 hours ago)
The vagueness of the lore behind this war is really tempting me to make an alternate timeline of this where the Soviets actually won.
DvNAssaultMain (3 hours ago)
imagine, even if you beat them to near death, they still manage to out you in a phyrric victory
Wasnas_lasmas (7 hours ago)
“You were so close but it’s past mending you got the bad ending”
Kanton-4853 (5 hours ago)
I've been searching for stuff like this for a long time.
whyamihere5732 (22 hours ago)
Amazing. The info, animation and music choice
kurvitaschthedictator (1 hours ago)
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