Kenetic Kups
Kenetic Kups's Channel
Kenetic Kups
I have this channel for commenting
Channel Comments
kenetickups6146 (3 minutes ago)
As ya'll can see our dear leader google has decided to remove our way of warning people away from garbage by removing the dislikes
VinluvAntonHandesbukia (10 minutes ago)
They banned me on know your meme again. Pray they still have enough mercy on my soul a second time.
VR00100 (17 minutes ago)
Kid stop
Cosmic_407 (28 minutes ago)
Ngl this is kinda cringe
Damian_1989 (32 minutes ago)
Are you the same KeneticKups from KYM?
PokeHarmony64 (47 minutes ago)
boywithanearring (52 minutes ago)
why so many dislikes
ahegaojosuke3250 (1 hour ago)
Do you watch Jojo’s bizzare adventure?
poobus1436 (2 hour ago)
why does this have 18 dislikes
naviwtf7507 (2 hours ago)
LaGGingProductions (14 hours ago)
This is your first YouTube Poop? It is awesome! I couldn’t do this good in my first YouTube Poop! You really need to keep making. I made one Michael Rosen YouTube Poop two weeks ago. Good luck! Hope to see more from you
Hazgoblin (6 hours ago)
hahawoshedman4017 (4 hours ago)
Yikes, cringe
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