Die Hard Vendetta pt 1: Art intimidating life
Die Hard Vendetta pt 11: I Predict a Riot
Die hard Vendetta pt 3: You wanna be in my gang?
Die Hard Vendetta pt 19 (FINALE): A New Frontier
Die Hard Vendetta pt 2: Boulevard of Broken Dreams
Die Hard Vendetta pt 12: Nitric, Placid
Die Hard Vendetta pt 5: Bow and quiver before me
Die Hard Vendetta pt 4: The Smoker is Wild
Die Hard Vendetta pt 14: Sleeping with the Fishes
Die Hard Vendetta pt 13: Tuna?, I hardly know her
Die Hard Vendetta pt 15: Plaforming an Opinion
Die Hard Vendetta pt 7: My way or the Subway
Die Hard Vendetta pt 0: TRAIN OR DIE
Die Hard Vendetta pt 6: Sewer or later
Die Hard Vendetta pt 10: Shooting on Locaton
Die Hard Vendetta pt 18: Shockingly bad puns
Die Hard Vendetta pt 8: Mine-Creeper
Die Hard Vendetta pt 16: Fuel forThought
Summoner PS2 All Cut-Scenes part 2
Summoner PS2 All Cut-Scenes part 4 (Both Endings)
Summoner PS2 All Cut-Scenes part 3
The JS
This channels going to be for my Let's Plays.
Channel Comments
TheKroglander (3 minutes ago)
I hated the redesigns at first but this game looks great, Ratchet and Clank-ish style meets the Sonic crew, a great approach
NickonPlanetRipple (10 minutes ago)
...Wow. Okay, so... big, 3D levels that look pretty open most of the time, and it's kinda like Ratchet n' Clank/Jak n' Daxter... only faster.
TheKroglander (17 minutes ago)
I just realized the story seems to be a remake the classic series, Sonic and his friends stumble across a mysterious island that's menaced by a mechanical threat.
TheKroglander (27 minutes ago)
guys guys 0:36 an Echidna statue?, so will this reboot actually develop its characters!!?
sonic26000 (31 minutes ago)
joshdeadpills (47 minutes ago)
I liked this new character, the red sonic called Kmuscles.
cracksdhead (51 minutes ago)
This looks sick! I love the new designs!!
GameparkGames (2 hour ago)
Can't wait to see what its like, sounds like their voices changed or at least sonics voice, I'm also glad I'm not the only one that felt like it was a Jak/Daxter and Ratchet/Clank style game.
xxRVNxx (1 hour ago)
When bangrang started playing i lost it, mainly due to how many dubstep parodies i've been watching for quite a bunch of months now.
sakanasan2415 (3 hours ago)
Knuckles has been working out.
Eddlicious (3 hours ago)
That Sonic Heroes sequel we all have been waited for? It's here.
MasterTainment (21 hours ago)
What is even the point of Sonic when his buddies can run as fast as he can?
TrueCrouton (5 hours ago)
"The new porcupine on the block with the buff chest" really has a new meaning. 
lucascouto166 (13 hours ago)
For anyone who's wondering, their new designs are exclusive for the TV series and this game, their original game designs are going to stay the same.
Stevezado (14 hours ago)
the visuals are so strange, the gameplay looks fucin' badass, i hope they make a game with a gameplay like this, but simplier on the main series
KalvinEllis (22 hours ago)
Great, Knuckles is on steroids.
LuccianoBartolini (3 hours ago)
Soooo... they will also do a series of this... so many ways it could go bad or well... at least still isn't Sonic Genesis, The Secret Ring and 2006.
lOmegaMaxl (5 hours ago)
I laughed so hard! but i'm wishing to play it, in spite of i don't like the redesigns very much i love the new idea xD
FlaskFlash (17 hours ago)
Knuckles meets Crunch Bandicoot!
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