Hi, my name is Nahu.
I have been a researcher of psychic phenomena for over forty years.
I'm interested in quantum physics, neuro-science, inventing, cutting-edge theories, extra-terrestrials, UFOs, ghosts, out-of-body traveling, lucid dreaming, ESP, mind-over-body and dislike doctors, narrow-minded scientists, skeptics, medicine, and dependency on pharmaceuticals and capitalism.
I enjoy writing, poetry, philosophy, body-building, basketball playing, martial arts,sprinting, dancing, drumming and tapping the infinite potentials of the mind...
I have no interests in stereotypes, drinking, drugs, racism, guns, conservative views, bullies.
My Motto is: One World - One Love.
Am I opinionated? Heck Yes! But I also respect the right of others to their own views.
If you can live with this welcome aboard~Nahu
I have been a researcher of psychic phenomena for over forty years.
I'm interested in quantum physics, neuro-science, inventing, cutting-edge theories, extra-terrestrials, UFOs, ghosts, out-of-body traveling, lucid dreaming, ESP, mind-over-body and dislike doctors, narrow-minded scientists, skeptics, medicine, and dependency on pharmaceuticals and capitalism.
I enjoy writing, poetry, philosophy, body-building, basketball playing, martial arts,sprinting, dancing, drumming and tapping the infinite potentials of the mind...
I have no interests in stereotypes, drinking, drugs, racism, guns, conservative views, bullies.
My Motto is: One World - One Love.
Am I opinionated? Heck Yes! But I also respect the right of others to their own views.
If you can live with this welcome aboard~Nahu
Channel Comments
(4 minutes ago)
@Nahulanham Let me know when is ready, I be the first you to buy it. Thank you so much to put this research together and to share with those people that are willing to open and expand the mind to learn new things and posibilities.
(10 minutes ago)
You're both infinite and finite, space and time, mind and spirit. And it's okay to be creative with your senses, after all, that's how you got here in the first place. Namaste, Nahu
(17 minutes ago)
This makes perfect sense. It explains almost everything in this world. Wow... I wish more people knew about this.
(28 minutes ago)
@SeanNolan5 Thank you for dropping by. It's good to see someone who can grasp it so easily.
(31 minutes ago)
Master your personal perspective Kaleidoscopesky. Perception resides in perspective and vice versa. What you see is what you get, because what you see is where "you" are at. Just different angles of perspective coming from the ego's point of view. Blessings, Nahu
(47 minutes ago)
this control is abundant but rarely used by the norm,your electromagnetic frequency of thought shifts the vibratory nature of the atom and creates realization through awareness of the reality of the true world and the world that it take to create even us through the experience,we give to ourselves through application,Seeing what it does, what you do will show you.If this is done to a mind not ready they will end up in a world unfamiliar to them.just know you tap into the worlds vibratory nature.
(51 minutes ago)
It is not the "stopping of the mind" that is necessary, but understanding and learning to focus it properly. Striving to resist mind only fragments its processes.
(1 hour ago)
Love it.. Become a master of your reality... the last images got me thinking amazing
(2 hour ago)
Don't over think it - trying too hard can create the opposite effect. Relax and let it flow without scrutinizing it so closely. Good luck! Nahu
(2 hours ago)
What typically selfish people think, is that they want this to immediately grant them unlimited wealth, the ability to move objects with their mind, able to fly.... they are so missing the point. This is a gradual process and will help change the way you live, but more importantly, will have a huge impact on the future generations who will benefit most from the current generation changing for the better. It's mere common sense.
(15 hours ago)
The negative and positive remain in balance and this will never change... all is experience, all is worthy and all serves to continually keep this balance within check. Without fear there is no courage. Without pain there is no pleasure. Without sadness there is no joy.
(22 hours ago)
We are all extensions of each other and no one is diminished by that presence. In toto, we create our realities as a collective whole. We exist yet we do not--that is, we are a virtual reality.
(13 hours ago)
There is an interaction between self and others on the physical plane.However, seen from a holistic perspective you and others are one, therefore, the only true changes are within one's personal perspective. How it affects others, so to speak, is up to them.
(5 hours ago)
I was expecting you to discuss more elaborately on the topic but this was a name to a topic not fully explained. anyways tnks for trying I quest !
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