old”b”lackmagic videos
This is the video channel for oldblackmagic, aka oldbmagic. If you are a Spike lover from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, you've come to the right place.
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Channel Comments
(4 minutes ago)
One of the best - it explains the entire Spike arch (at least for the BtVS series) and it helped me to see just exactly how much Spike cares for the Slayer. Wonderful!
(10 minutes ago)
Joss really knew how to make Spike, more real, & more then a back drop, for a single minded character, for the fans who not only adored him, but loved that he could truly appreciate, & love Buffy.
(18 minutes ago)
I LOVE the moment he realizes he has feelings for Buffy!!! XD SO sweet! Actually it's friggin HILARIOUS in the show, but you made it sweet!
(28 minutes ago)
This is what i love about Spike. He didn't just get given his soul like Angel. Spike earnt his soul and his redemption. He got his soul for Buffy and to make himself a better man. And I say man because by the end of season 7, thats what he was, because he earnt that!
(31 minutes ago)
It's a beautiful story. Glad you liked my capture of it. Thanks for watching!
(46 minutes ago)
*tears* Oh my Gosh... That was absolutly beautiful... You did an amazing editing job (especially loved the way you matched the words "you raise me up" when Spike gets his soul back). You captured the very essence of Spuffy, for sure. Thank you for this. Tons of thank you
(52 minutes ago)
I'm not crying, there's just something in both my eyes...
(2 hour ago)
Thank you! His story is so emotional and wonderful. I'm glad you liked!
(2 hour ago)
james marsters has always been my favorite and so if there is one person who could play spike i am so happy he can do it and if he does it again i am always glad to intervine
(2 hours ago)
within the first minute i was crying
(10 hours ago)
"Intervention" My favorite Spike episode :) And, in my opinion, the one that made the most significant difference in his redemption story.
(15 hours ago)
Spike was a far better man than Angel. Angel was cursed with a soul and that's the only reason he did anything good. Spike, through his own doing, wanted to be a better man. After he had done so much bad, including the bathroom scene with Buffy, he on his own accord went to get a soul. He had to endure so much to be a better man. And the First still tortured his soul and made him do terrible things. He did EARN his redemption by giving the ultimate sacrifice at the end, himself to save humanity.
(14 hours ago)
Beautiful! I love this! Spike ftw
(9 hours ago)
This is giving me feels I haven't felt in a long time <3
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