Kyle J. Beauregard
Hello. My name is Kyle. I like making videos about businesses, money and life.
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Apart of The WickedBinge Network LLC.
For business inquiries email me here:
Apart of The WickedBinge Network LLC.
Channel Comments
(4 minutes ago)
What's the biggest lesson or piece of information you took away from this lost sub tragedy?
(9 minutes ago)
I honestly don’t think Rush’s dismissal of safety concerns was money, I think it was pure arrogance. He saw himself as some sort of maverick & safety was an affront to his ‘genius’. He was an ego maniac.
(17 minutes ago)
Boeing, NASA and University of Washington all denied involvement in development and testing of this sub. The CEO lied, OceanGate lied; and, they bullied anyone who tried to tell the truth. The grandiosity, hubris and lack of character are stunning.
(28 minutes ago)
"Trust your gut." Eerie considering the kid Suleiman had a bad feeling but went because it was Father's day and he wanted to make his dad happy.
(31 minutes ago)
"Safety just is pure waste"... Huh? Wait...WHAT?! THAT has to be the most irresponsible thing stockton said in this interview.
(46 minutes ago)
Ironic that the same flaw that did for the Titanic also killed those on the Titan - an arrogant attitude, the assumption that 'our engineering is so good' that we don't need lifeboats/safety checks and certification.
(51 minutes ago)
if the company had so much money they were sure as hell stingey on spending it where it mattered.
(2 hour ago)
The red flag was not the mention of death but the word 'experimental and uncertified submarine'. That's the sentence where alarm bells should be ringing for the customers. Even with a skydive you have to reckon with death in the worst case and every serious company will mention this possibility in a contract. But if that contract said the parachute was just an experimental and uncertified model, I don't think many people would get on the plane. Ok, OceanGate had a couple of successful dives and I assume that's how they advertised it and maybe downplayed the risks but in the end it doesn't change the facts, it wasn't certified.
(1 hour ago)
With this kind of management, it was only a matter of time before something like this happened
(3 hours ago)
that last statement "I believe its pretty much invulnerable" is so eerily similar to the belief the White Star line had itself in Titanic.
(3 hours ago)
Poor people seek creative ways to sustain life, wealthy people go seeking the craziest ways to risk it.
(2 hours ago)
Nasa and Boeing have issued statements that they had very limited input into building the Titan as usual Stockton Rush over exaggerated the safety and condition of HIS submersible tin can. Personally you couldn't have paid me to get into that thing especially when you hear what's written in the 'The Death Contract'. Might be a good idea to leave the Titanic alone now, let everyone rest in peace.
(5 hours ago)
They took precautions where it didn't matter as much because it doesn't cost much to abort a dive during bad weather, but cut corners where it did matter such as not doing pressure testing because that cost too much money
(17 hours ago)
Never pay someone $250,000 for them to kill you is the lesson I learned.
(11 hours ago)
Upon finding that his intended destination was roughly just above crush-depth, experts must have thought, "I'm talking to a dead man" but didn't say anything because he's a nut.
(14 hours ago)
I wish he lived to suffer the consequences of turning people’s families into liquid and dust.
(22 hours ago)
Ocean gate is an Everest climbing tour guide company on steroids
(20 hours ago)
The fact that vessel was not certified by any authority is a red flag.
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