Boboho Junior
Boboho Junior's Channel
Sougayilang x9 Pe 1 - Tica Titanclaw TC301
Makan Tidur Strike Makan Tidur Strike
Spot Ikan Sak Bantal Tapi..........
Boboho Junior
Channel description
Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
With the permission of Allah this YouTube channel was created.
We will present videos with interesting content about the lives of fishermen, fish farmers, the lives of fishermen's children and fishing.
Hopefully the presence of this channel can increase knowledge and insight and become an interesting entertainment and spectacle for all of you.
May we always be in the protection of the one and only God. Aamiin.
Thank you.
Channel Comments
Mantap, Salam brutal Angler , smg channel ini makin sukses, Amin
anwarwaliy7178 (10 minutes ago)
KEREEEN joranya masbroo
bobohojunior7838 (18 minutes ago)
Terimakasih sudah menonton.. Semoga selalu dlm. Lindungan Allah SWT.. aamiin
strike.kepiting (28 minutes ago)
Mantap ni joran....
BoedakDoesoenKarimun (32 minutes ago)
keren sekali kawanku... hadieeer menyambungkan koneksi internetnya...
amin84mancing (47 minutes ago)
JORAN idaman saya
MancengPendakSore (52 minutes ago)
Mantull jorannya kang
dwiangler4426 (1 hour ago)
mantap jorannya
kangmustofa3841 (1 hour ago)
kereen bos rel sam joranya,saya kasih puel bos biar cepat jmnya
aidilfishing9628 (2 hours ago)
Wow...memang padu la joranya.mantap
Donnyborneo88 (17 hours ago)
mantap itu joran apa joran egk patah2 jos
foodieslavar379 (13 hours ago)
motorisfishing3358 (5 hours ago)
ayooo p geis dites
masindraofficial5519 (10 hours ago)
Mantapp Bosque jadi pingin tapi blm sanggup beli
MasGiGAngler (13 hours ago)
Josss Brutal Angler...Salam Sentakkk dr Palembang.. Mantappp
Mantap joran nya bosku,,, boleh di coba ke tias
masmendolchannel7121 (13 hours ago)
Hadiiiir kawan baru bosku
mahfudtholib (4 hours ago)
Benar2 kuat kawan... Mantap sekali
trisnadikusnadi4417 (15 hours ago)
Siap mancing paus
murnibone332 (2 hours ago)
wow josss sekali bang!!!
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