Vega's Channel
Channel Comments
ItzVega (4 minutes ago)
Hey Guys sorry for the absence just going through the rickety roller coaster of life but i appreciate all the positive feedback!!
maxwell4508 (10 minutes ago)
Negative sans.
brick2751 (18 minutes ago)
I love how this is actually well made and not just a melody poorly slapped over the HARD-MODE bassline
LINK2ChaoZ (28 minutes ago)
this is just so well made, the sprites look awesome, the animations are flawless and the song itself is just such a banger and i absolutly love the ,,this is it, kid'' line
neverknewitbefore (32 minutes ago)
Pov the person robbing you says he's only been using 0.1 percent of his power
slipperybiscuits7928 (47 minutes ago)
joshuaho6268 (52 minutes ago)
this music might be serious by so good.
Virapanda (2 hour ago)
Ray-zono (1 hour ago)
0:18 this is it kid..
barclayepperson2137 (2 hours ago)
HE HAS A VOICE.??? Awesomeeee
VicTheHitman (17 hours ago)
bro the voiceline gave me chills.
KarmicID (14 hours ago)
Wow so underrated , +1 sub ur amazing
therg.randomguy_3507 (13 hours ago)
Very epic theme
lonelychicken5635 (19 hours ago)
Very nice job! Love the drums you chose :D
TotallyTails (5 hours ago)
Damnnnn bro this is very good!
Fatal-qu5pt (4 hours ago)
well thats goin on my playlist.
LazyusCheesus (7 hours ago)
Sounds very good!
thearsonism7886 (22 hours ago)
This is the literal embodiment of fanon sans, flaming eye and all.
kff4177 (18 hours ago)
Chunky sans. Very pog
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