Commander Fett
Commander Fett's Channel
Commander Fett

Channel Comments
ILikeLlamaPie (3 minutes ago)
thnx for guide :) ur the only person i could find who actually showed where to get ingredients
jesus.portilla (9 minutes ago)
If you get all the must powerful weapons and armor, the game will become boring cause there won't be any challenge at all, what I did is just enchant a pair of boots to carry a lot of weight, all the rest still normal and I still enjoying this game :D
foxvthor (18 minutes ago)
Best vid iv seen so far on this stuff
ascend55 (27 minutes ago)
so... the invisibility potion would last for 312.5 days and the paralysis would last for 78 days
StevenJKpower (31 minutes ago)
There's a glitch with the fortify restoration potion, where the effect it has on armor (etc) stays permanently even though the timer on the "active effects" panel is gone for that effect. You have to unequip, and requip the item though while the fortify restoration effect is still going though. After you do that, you must not unequip it again, or the permanent effect will disappear.
DarthRane113 (47 minutes ago)
lol I just got on for the first time in couple months today and I just tried it, still works.
CarsonMercer4 (52 minutes ago)
masihmafia1996 (1 hour ago)
may i ask how much times did you use that restoration potion to reach that percentage
Jonr95 (1 hour ago)
What's the item code for small pearls?
GashPlague (3 hours ago)
Thanks, I was wondering if I was the only one that noticed that xD
ps3helpnow123 (21 hours ago)
isn't theres a certain amount of time on the potions so eventually you loose the affect, right???
teachbeg (13 hours ago)
What perks do you need to do the glitch.
XxToxiicxH4zexX (4 hours ago)
It is different for everyone, it depends on your alchemy
rjasontwenty1099 (13 hours ago)
i also broke the game..even the mighty dragons would go down by one hit of my dagger...the restoration potions made me a superman in skyrim...
CommanderFett49 (12 hours ago)
you don't need 100 alchemy. I did this a week ago and started out with level 28 alchemy and by my alchemy jumped to 100 when doing this.
meta5234 (1 hours ago)
"Have fun for paralysis potions that last for 5 days!" Actually it lasts for over two months..... 78 Days....
563Ben (5 hours ago)
Random question. I used the ench. potion to make a 100 million fire damage weapon, and now I can't recharge it. know why this is by any chance? Thanks in advance.
Gnurklesquimp (7 hours ago)
i have the same problem and i don't understand what's th problem. please tell me if you've got the solution
billysweird (12 hours ago)
The Max my Alchemy enchantments will go up to its 25% boost, After that even if i used a 100% boost postion it still stays at 25%, What am i doing wrong?
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