Channel Comments
(3 minutes ago)
Derp, I didn't change the time to skip The 10 Day Dream.
(9 minutes ago)
After I've listened all of these "cursed" urban legends I can imagine them fighting over which one will kill me first
(17 minutes ago)
The thought of a ghost just tripping people for fun is absolutely hilarious
(27 minutes ago)
I like the fact there are a number of supernatural entities that can be avoided or placated by just being polite to them. :)
(31 minutes ago)
Oh yes, the scary story of a ghost that passively-aggressive walks behind you closer and closer until you let it pass.
(46 minutes ago)
Japanese people are so polite, they even calls urban legends ghosts with “san”
(51 minutes ago)
The first one, Beto-Beto san, was mentioned in the anime Higurashi. Because the footsteps are in sync with yours, it's hard to tell there's another pair of footsteps behind you. So what you do is, right before you're about to take another step, just stop your feet as it's about to touch the ground. You'll hear a footstep behind you, but your foot never touched down.
(1 hour ago)
the fact this dude added bopping music and speaking in a friendly like voice while talking about these creepy urban legends is amazing
(2 hour ago)
I’ve always been more scared by Japanese folklore than any other folklore, and that’s saying a lot considering I’m Mexican and our own folklore is pretty scary as well. I think that compared to other folklore, Japanese urban legends have that characteristic of involving the listener by simply being a listener. You always hear the “anyone who hears this story gets instantly cursed” thing, and it creeps me out because it makes the urban legend feel more real, suddenly it’s not a story anymore and there’s a chance it might become part of your own reality. Moreover, Japanese urban legends have a randomness to it that scares the ever living crap out of me. In other folklore, the urban legends don’t do anything unless provoked. For example, if you do a certain ritual you invoke a demon, if you go to a certain forest you might encounter creatures etc. With Japanese urban legends, there’s no such thing as cause and effect, a creature can just appear next to you without invoking it or going to a certain place. You could be watching adult anime and suddenly, Futakuchi-Onna is laying next to you
(3 hours ago)
I really appreciate you not putting in a bunch of creepy sound effects and putting on a slow spooky-narrator type voice, I just wanna know the stories!
(1 hours ago)
Thank you for the warning about Dream School, I have really bad paranoia sometimes and have heard "cursed stories" before where warnings weren't given that have then plagued my mind for a long time after - means a lot that you considered your viewers
(20 hours ago)
Thank you for including Kuchisake-onna and Okiku's Well. Okiku's tale is my all-time favorite Japanese ghost story and I actually named one of my chickens after her. The Slit-Mouthed Woman is my all-time favorite Japanese urban legend, this may sound weird but I feel so awful for her. No woman deserves to be treated like she was.
(13 hours ago)
Tomino's hell is more sad/depressing than it is creepy imo, I think the only thing that makes it "scary" is the pic that accompanies it (and the supposed curse of course)
(10 hours ago)
I love how many of the ways to be safe from the ghosts or whatever are just "do not interact" "do not indulge on what they want" or "just dont be an asshole"
(13 hours ago)
I swear these Ubran Legends I just love to listen too. They are not only really interesting but I can see where some big name games got their inspiration from.
(9 hours ago)
That was fun. Good narration, excellent story telling style. As a lover of Japan and it’s creepy stories this was amazing! Do it again!!!!!
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