Atlantean Gardens
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(3 minutes ago)
Growing up I always hated my redhair. Everyone in school even hs made fun of me and always talked shyt about my redhair ( my whole family redheads) but now I hear these cool stories about redhead. Thanks makes all the abuse I endued because of my redhair not so bad.
(10 minutes ago)
I'd rather listen to to story of the Egyptian Irish princes than the corona outbreak.
(18 minutes ago)
The landscapes are just gorgeous you never know how beautiful the earth is until you see the land how it should be.
(27 minutes ago)
70% of British men have same ancestry as tut..yet only 1% modern day Egyptians have tuts more needs to be said!!
(32 minutes ago)
Queen Scotia, the "Egyptian" princess that was originally a refugee brought from Israel by the prophet Jeremiah! The founder of the land of my Ancestors that took from her name, my beloved Scotland! Also she brought Jacob's Pillar, The Stone of Destiny to The British Isles. The Stone that Jacob laid his head on and had the dream of Angels Ascending and Descending from Heaven on a Ladder!
(46 minutes ago)
The truly wise have always said don't believe what I say research for your self. This man has provided us with more information to open our minds and carry on, on our own to discover the truth. I also appreciate this channel.
(51 minutes ago)
Why is it viewed as racist to tell the truth
(1 hour ago)
Are we from Atlantis? Maybe we are. Wish we knew the real history of the earth.
(2 hour ago)
No wonder the Brits were fascinated with Egyptology in the Victorian era, lol.
(3 hours ago)
Irish culture is so broad, interesting and mystical! I just melt over it's history!
(1 hours ago)
- the Stone of Scone, of which my ancestors of the Dalriadic King lineage through Kenneth MacAlpin (Clans MacGregor, Cameron and Campbell) were coronated on, was indeed Jacob's Pillar Stone of Gen: 28. It is the famous 'Stone of Witness' and 'House of God'. It identifies the 'House of David' and the present Queen of the United Kingdom was coronated on it. It was brought to Ireland to Rath na Tamhair (Hill of Tara) by the Biblical Prophet Jeremiah. It is very confusing to understand the Egyptian historical connections as they transversed over a very long time period. I am a descendant of the O'Niell line through the Clan Cameron of Lochiel and Royal House of Stewart. My lineage goes directly back to Tamar of Taphanes from which is derived the modern name 'Daphne' and she was known by her Egyptian name Tea (Tiye). Apparently, this is the very stone to which Joshua of Nazareth will return to be coronated on. I struggle with this reality.... it takes real faith to believe in its authenticity regardless of being from the very same family.
(4 hours ago)
Ireland sleeps, one day it will awake.
(13 hours ago)
Ireland is beautiful, I want to go there.
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