WrestleUniverseHD's Channel
Hugh Jackman "Fractures" Dolph Ziggler's Jaw HD
The Miz R-Truth NEW Theme - You Suck! + [Lyrics] HD
Fan Tells John Cena "You Are The Same Old Shit"
Hell In A Cell 2011 2nd Promo (First On Youtube)
RAW New "Supershow" Intro HD720p

Channel Comments
Cameestewee (3 minutes ago)
Dolph Ziggler sells moves so well
JohnCena5671 (9 minutes ago)
@eliasz0002 have you watched X-men and Wolferine? that is why.
YouNoob984 (17 minutes ago)
Hugh shots real.
EliaszPimpicki (28 minutes ago)
Hugh is packed! when did he get those muscles and why?
howizee (31 minutes ago)
Now I'm just bored and posting this because I can, Its 9.15PM here in Melbourne so I'll say have a good night now....Have a Good Night.
saznrai (46 minutes ago)
Well he did say thats real as it gets!
DawnsRage (52 minutes ago)
well thats what happens when you have adamantium bones
TheWolverineiscool (1 hour ago)
never mess with the wolverine!
youngdeezy64 (2 hour ago)
The ref saw that on the screen lol did anybody notice that
Slifer8521 (3 hours ago)
dolph really derseve it
howizee (7 hours ago)
you need to watch an interview with Hugh on George Tonight, he explains it all.
TheHrishikesh98 (21 hours ago)
@xhemexx did the admantium punchaffect your brain too?
AlexMr93 (8 hours ago)
is true the ref saw it and nobody say nothing
Babins1 (7 hours ago)
ryann45 (10 hours ago)
lol this was on the news. Hugh really did fracture his jaw. saw it on TMZ and yahoo news.
armyaviationproud (22 hours ago)
Funny thing is he actually punched him and broke his jaw.
dragom2009 (12 hours ago)
adamantium does the trick
HeavyMetalVagabond (10 hours ago)
@eliasz0002 you reckon? :S i think he looks on the small side here
OodldoodlNoodlesocks (2 hours ago)
Hah, he just got batman'd
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