Poor dirt farmer
Poor dirt farmer's Channel
Achille Oklahoma Entire police force suspended
1st Amendment Win For chili DeCastro
Poor dirt farmer pulled over #poordirtfarmer
You can't film here It's a secure location
Wolf Shedding #wolf
Fastest Police Career Ever 4 hours ?
Family Dollar Store cop Solicits trespassing
Suwannee County Florida Deputy Crashed Cop Car
Samantha White John White & a Labrador Retriever
Poor dirt farmer

Poor dirt farmer' is not just a YouTube channel.
It's a dialogue platform, a change catalyst, and a testament to the strength of a single voice against all odds.
From humble roots, he's become a symbol of resilience.
His videos are raw, revealing overlooked societal aspects.
So, if you're interested in a different perspective, why not take a minute to check out 'Poor Dirt Farmer' on YouTube?
You might just be surprised by what you discover.

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Channel Comments
stupidplumbing2343 (3 minutes ago)
It's not always what you do, but how you do it.
geo-george2639 (9 minutes ago)
Two questions: WHY are they still getting PAID? And WHY is one of those cops wearing a MASK?
thialove2121 (18 minutes ago)
Paid suspension...what a punishment! Paid suspension...SMH!
DocBrew69 (28 minutes ago)
"Paid" suspension is total bs.
eyeswideopen1158 (32 minutes ago)
The hate is well earned People are recording these thugs, more and more often.
stupidplumbing2343 (47 minutes ago)
As long as law enforcement continues to act like wolves instead of sheepdogs, the sheep have only one option. Take up arms and defend themselves. It's coming, if our thugs in blue continue to act like they're above the laws they are paid to enforce.
possums1010 (51 minutes ago)
these paid vacations for these thugs MUST STOP!!!
dens7777777 (2 hour ago)
Cowards. Cowards. Cowards with badges. All of them.
eshootziscrs2868 (2 hour ago)
Suspension with pay is fraud to the public. We pay for a service not for officers to sit home while being investigated.
mrwoodmen15 (2 hours ago)
Fire them and the arrest them!
bigdoggy4744 (19 hours ago)
Paid suspension means holiday. Oh big punishment.
JoshuaFreakyVenomFan (23 hours ago)
This is why I've joined the military, ever since I joined it was only to be educated on self defense, and my rights to bear arms against any type of governmental tyrannical militia, even my sergeant at the station clearly says bearing arms against a tyrannical oppressor is constitutional, but local governments within each states won't say that to a citizen, it goes as far as resisting an unlawful arrest. My sergeant whenever he travels he's always going with a cruise just in case he needs to bear arms.
h3llrayzor59 (19 hours ago)
Police... The only occupation where you can beat the $HIT out of someone & get a paid vacation... Where do I sign up? LOL
ancienthippyrebel7202 (4 hours ago)
Oh, my gosh! This guy was beaten badly. I wish all police departments we're dissolved. All that is needed is a small squad for genuine emergencies. Wouldn't that be nice?
evanhall7030 (22 hours ago)
Soon police are going to regret, when these people start fighting back and I’ll be fighting with the people.
jayraniag51 (22 hours ago)
Whoopty doo doo paid vacation
AuditsOfFreedom (16 hours ago)
Just disgusting. Tyrants. These cops should be in Prison. Thanks for sharing my northern Florida Brother 🏼🏼🏼🏼
6StimuL84 (20 hours ago)
They should all hang for treason for all the felonies they committed.....
tooge47 (18 hours ago)
Today's law enforcement is the very standing army the founders so accurately warned against.
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