KJ Williams
KJ Williams's Channel
KJ Williams
Hey, everyone. KJ Williams at your service. Welcome to my channel
Channel Comments
WyattOsubaProductions (3 minutes ago)
Brittany Murphy, your soul will live on in our hearts!
bryeebeast5468 (10 minutes ago)
Mumble was already grown up through most of the film. but now in this scene he now has some more black on flippers and yellow lower on his chest.
lexusdriver1963 (18 minutes ago)
Throughout the film the Adelie Penguins were Mumble's only real friends because the Adelie Penguins help Mumble accept who he is regardless.
faithcunningham7540 (28 minutes ago)
i wonder why gloria acts a little sassy when mumble return at first
nintendvision (32 minutes ago)
Don't get rid of it.🏾🏾🏾🏾
cm94returns19 (47 minutes ago)
never liked noah in the movie is almost kinda of a villian and jerk at the same time?
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