Down to Film
Down to Film is a narrative comedy on Texas Student Television. The show is a seasonal anthology, with each season focusing on the cast and crew of a fictional television show, and their experiences dealing with inconveniences ranging from the mundane to the supernatural. For the most part, each season of Down to Film is its own self-contained story, so feel free to start wherever you like! However, we recommend starting with one of our more recent seasons, particularly season 20.
DISCLAIMER: Down to Film has been around for a long time, almost a decade now. Over the years, there have been multiple changes in style, content, and, most notably, management. As a result, some older episodes contain material that some may find offensive or insensitive. We ask that you understand that these episodes represent Down to Film under different management, and that they do not reflect the comedic style or opinions of the current show and/or its producers.
DISCLAIMER: Down to Film has been around for a long time, almost a decade now. Over the years, there have been multiple changes in style, content, and, most notably, management. As a result, some older episodes contain material that some may find offensive or insensitive. We ask that you understand that these episodes represent Down to Film under different management, and that they do not reflect the comedic style or opinions of the current show and/or its producers.
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