Northwest Ghost Adventures
Welcome to Northwest Ghost Adventures as you probably seen us on The travel chanel we are band of hard core paranormal investigators we have been to some of the most haunted locations we have come across good energies and strong powerful energies. Lower energies that have took over my shazz few times but we still carry on investigating to bring great evidence of true real paranormal experience.
Team Members
North west ghost adventure
Kriss m.
Sharon p
Richard D
Carolyn H
Mathew Wainwright
Claire Wainwright
North west ghost adventure uk
Richard D
Carolyn H
We will be doing more locations in the new year.
Visiting some new locations and we will only leave if things get really bad if one of team members are affected especially my shazz she is so sensensative to certain energies but we found when she as cross of Jesus she does not get Affected as much and keeps her protected during investigations
Team Members
North west ghost adventure
Kriss m.
Sharon p
Richard D
Carolyn H
Mathew Wainwright
Claire Wainwright
North west ghost adventure uk
Richard D
Carolyn H
We will be doing more locations in the new year.
Visiting some new locations and we will only leave if things get really bad if one of team members are affected especially my shazz she is so sensensative to certain energies but we found when she as cross of Jesus she does not get Affected as much and keeps her protected during investigations
Channel Comments
(3 minutes ago)
who's watching this at 2 am in a dark room all alone..????
(10 minutes ago)
That evil chant gave me chills. Holy.
(17 minutes ago)
Happy to subscribe xx
(27 minutes ago)
This is CRAAAAZY GUYS!!...I just watched the ful doc. on the SKOLE GROUP over there and this history as i Googled the history of ghost boxes and there it landed me!..AWSOME VIDEO!..Sorry i m issed ya live,i thought you would be in your awsome AWSOME ATTIC so i peeled myself out of bed (trouble sleeping all week)///Oh well GREAT VIDEO AS ALWAYS..MY BELLS ON HIGH SO I WONT MISS YA ALL..UNTIL NEXT TIME..LOVE YOU GUYS AND MY AWSOME CHATROOM FAM!!!
(31 minutes ago)
Awesome ghost box session .
(46 minutes ago)
Awesome, like # 132. Happy Tuesday :-)
(51 minutes ago)
You are right we gotta gotta support each other. Love the evidence man
(2 hour ago)
showing support....liked vid
(1 hour ago)
deserves more likes !! epic!
(2 hours ago)
Very nice. Very entertaining.
(2 hours ago)
Showing support
(22 hours ago)
Very interesting ty x
(21 hours ago)
That's nuts. I see the board on the table. I got the lottery from using it and it creeped me out ever since.
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