BullRacksin's Channel
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Thank you for visiting my channel. Scams are evolving rapidly and becoming more sophisticated. I work hard on and off stream to combat scammers daily. While I take various approaches in my baits such as humor to frustrate the scammers, scamming is a very serious and disgusting crime. My intent is to gather information to report and waste as much of their time as possible.

Every minute a scammer spends with me is a minute they aren't speaking to a potential victim.

All bait character names and likenesses used on stream or in videos are strictly intended to be fictitious.

I go to great lengths to protect myself on calls with scammers, using different tools and techniques. Please do not engage with a scam in any way without proper education and training.

Calling criminal scammers and kicking some @$ #scambaiting #livestream #scams #retirees #pranks #crypto #cryptocurrency #pch #refund #awareness
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