Salt & fresh fishing spot
Salt & fresh fishing spot's Channel
Salt & fresh fishing spot
Salt & fresh fishing spot
Salt & fresh fishing spot
Channel Comments
PemancingCadangan99 (4 minutes ago)
Hadir nyimak bossku
gecolla892 (10 minutes ago)
Info mancingnya mantep bosku salam komplit
cacingcelupchannel2021 (18 minutes ago)
Hadir nyimak bosku, semoga semakin tambah semangat dan sukses selalu, salam satu hobi
wahyumancing8101 (27 minutes ago)
mantap Kang spotnya
BirinKreator88 (32 minutes ago)
Info spot mancing mantul
aisahberuntung (47 minutes ago)
mantap kawan semangat sukses selalu youtube channel dan aktivitas mancing nya lanjutkan
sutaraljedik6639 (51 minutes ago)
Sepat yang banyak di situ
sobatsenarpancing6216 (2 hour ago)
spot yang mantap, kalau capek bisa langsung istirahat dibawah pohon. semoga sukses, salam sehobi.
newbeee5388 (2 hour ago)
This is enjoyment i can feel joy in me. You've worked hard on this you deserved it! I can see your passion its abundant! S-d and L-d! stay connected friend!
roven7916 (2 hours ago)
I'm glad i found your channel. fruitful. Splendid! The first time i see this i stay on. This series is great keep the momentum. check out too ok. i mean me
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