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Channel Comments
Virtzen77 (3 minutes ago)
1:30 that kick though
RebeckaSarkozy (9 minutes ago)
"According to the Post, the elephant has since been reunited with his herd. He’s reportedly been named “Hercules” in honor of his tremendous show of courage."
patriotir (17 minutes ago)
I love the way these guys try to guide him with their energy.
HTCEVOSONGS (27 minutes ago)
The elephant as a creature proves the nonsense that "might makes right". The elephant is one of the only animals capable of advanced social mechanisms like compassion and love. And yet it is a fierce creature ready to crush and fight off the malicious. The elephant represents the unity of both strength and kindness. No wonder Julius Caesar identified with it. 
DebroTyisha (32 minutes ago)
I couldn’t stop watching! You really know how to keep your audience engaged.
johnadams247 (46 minutes ago)
You know the elephant is saying..."keep playing, one of you'll gonna catch a tusk to the ribs in a minute".
johnchris7740 (51 minutes ago)
This elephant never gave up.. It taught us a good lesson..
Wakkosgirl (1 hour ago)
You have to love his guts! He dragged some and drew others out to the water where it was HIS advantage and if they continued to come after him he started kicking ass!
kristiea9932 (2 hour ago)
His will to live is unbelievable, He deserves that name and has the battle scars to prove it!!! We need more Elephants please stop poaching them!!!
alphacreature (2 hours ago)
If any Elephant reading this -
19amyrebecca93 (4 hours ago)
So a lot of people on this thread are saying ' Why didn't you help it?!'
ThaHeRow (7 hours ago)
I hope he survived! He did put up a good fight!
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