Ridge Chaser
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Ridge Chaser
Channel Comments
IggyFresh (4 minutes ago)
"Hard left, 100, do not cut, caution jump"
mightyowl7321 (10 minutes ago)
This guy is serious about the chase game. Even went off road himself just to make sure he didn't get away.
milinddixit6583 (17 minutes ago)
"Rear wheels are slipping, exciting! Time for some opposite lock...wait it's FWD - oh look, a tree"
Raibana.k (27 minutes ago)
Bro when they rewinded that I thought that we were playing Forza for a second
ELVATOSPROJECTS (31 minutes ago)
He tried to do doc’s method β€œturn right to go left”.
ragnarr7965 (47 minutes ago)
His fault or not I Love how everyone in the comment section suddently is a professional F1 Driver that never erver Made only one mistakewhile driving.
nickovdub6131 (52 minutes ago)
Lesson #1: know the road first before attempting to run a "touge"
rodut626 (2 hour ago)
0:54 "He ran off the road, I'd better follow him"
j4r801 (2 hour ago)
1:00 bro rewinded like Forza Horizon
kuma7526 (2 hours ago)
When people think their car doesn't understeer on a dusty road
calebrickard3294 (17 hours ago)
for furture reference, dont follow the car in front of you, follow the road, following the guy in front makes a crash go from a simple car wreck to a casualty really fast
Mo13488 (15 hours ago)
1:30 He try stole body parts for him golf
mlgnugget3070 (19 hours ago)
In my opinion, the driver with the cam did safe it pretty good. Instead of trying to get the curve on the left, he realised the understear and reacted very fast and correct.
yes8032 (22 hours ago)
I love how he steps out and checks on the golf first
Yoshi1478 (18 hours ago)
0:56 Driving skills 0 - ABS 1
greenhellracing (7 hours ago)
The beauty of understeer.
jasonmenendez2041 (7 hours ago)
Possibly the best live example of target fixation on Youtube. One would think he'd do everything in his power to avoid a similar fate after he sees his buddy heading into the abyss,, and yet he consciously straightens the wheel and follows him straight off the road.
moromali_minimal (13 hours ago)
userid get finish at: 0.00 clean innertube fetch finish at: 0.30 main response parse finish at: 0.80 getAdditionalSections finish at: 1.20 applyHTML finish at: 2.10