Lenella Maxwell
Greetings in the name of our Lord and Saviour, Christ Jesus.
This channel has been created for one expressed purpose; to glorify our Father in Heaven, and Lord Jesus Christ! Join me in a very relaxed and peaceful atmosphere sharing my life through crafting, while sharing the truth of God through His word. For all who hunger seek first God's Kingdom and His righteousness, seeking Him in spirit and in truth. For in the Kingdom of God, some will sow the seed, while anothers will reap the harvest, but all is done unto the Lord.
This channel has been created for one expressed purpose; to glorify our Father in Heaven, and Lord Jesus Christ! Join me in a very relaxed and peaceful atmosphere sharing my life through crafting, while sharing the truth of God through His word. For all who hunger seek first God's Kingdom and His righteousness, seeking Him in spirit and in truth. For in the Kingdom of God, some will sow the seed, while anothers will reap the harvest, but all is done unto the Lord.
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