QuakeLivesOn's Channel
Uncharted 1 Is still Amazing in 2024...
Here and there game reviewer and Chronic Game collector. after anything PS3 and all sorts of titles that interest me from any console.
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Channel Comments
perseus3508 (3 minutes ago)
he at least tryed smt to fix it don't blame him
hobbolord (9 minutes ago)
hey tried today and it kinda works instead it crashed and opened up my interweb and i saw a bunch of nasty stuff with men on men, and men on octopus. what kind of virus did you give me
hobbolord (17 minutes ago)
i took a shit on my computer and boom ubisoft fixed its servers 11/10 on the stuff thanks man
hobbolord (28 minutes ago)
does it work? on the wii u?
hobbolord (31 minutes ago)
still not working update your stuff
janfranjic7344 (46 minutes ago)
ah it didnt work for me
hobbolord (51 minutes ago)
still doesnt work
yuy4k (2 hour ago)
Thats shit is know even from babys :D
gunlook (2 hour ago)
didn't work.
happyknight_ (2 hours ago)
how ur dad
DanieL-uj3gw (13 hours ago)
It didin't work i report for scam xD
Hamiltonium (3 hours ago)
yeah so I tried that, and it worked for a second, but before i could get into the game, It kicked me out.
elpankus (7 hours ago)
Best solution sel you're game pc and buy a playstation or Xbox
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