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Channel Comments
krishnasaichalasani4492 (4 minutes ago)
The Minions will now go 49.49 at 100m butterfly
jasonmcmechan2072 (9 minutes ago)
This is a fever dream
BrandonHutto (18 minutes ago)
How inconsiderate for Caleb Dressel to interrupt the minions training
carolinecox8365 (28 minutes ago)
omg that was the best thing I’ve ever seen
rebeccaharkins2058 (32 minutes ago)
The red belly on the minion- too cute.
cecelianainima6511 (47 minutes ago)
These are so funny! Keep em coming NBC
nekonanimo7084 (51 minutes ago)
that canon ball shouting is wholesome
byronharrison4397 (2 hour ago)
0:27 LOL look at Stuart his overalls are full of water
drakestallworth3621 (2 hour ago)
Dude Kevins gonna smoke everyone in his heat
minkskoroma5890 (3 hours ago)
... I love minions. I honestly don't even know when it happened when I fell in love with them it just like I woke up one day and they were the dopest lil pals ever
imybird (4 hours ago)
This is just pure quality content, please make more of these
reinshine6205 (19 hours ago)
My toddler giggles everytime she watches this ️
willerdtmann9587 (7 hours ago)
He even had his own pure intent! Nice job nbc!
mrmoomooface1662 (5 hours ago)
We now know canonically that minions are buoyant
ンパ-o3q (7 hours ago)
alanamarie7114 (17 hours ago)
I needed this in my life
justinbay868 (12 hours ago)
That was the most adorable thing I’ve ever seen in my life
QueenLilystars15 (3 hours ago)
0:20 do not dive in straight shape or you'll get belly flops in your stomach/tummy/belly .
A1930_YT (11 hours ago)
Otto is so cute
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