Zac Peel-Yates
Zac Peel-Yates's Channel
Zac Peel-Yates

Channel Comments
gsus7125original (3 minutes ago)
Finally someone that explained it properly. Wonderful
lehisluguer9300 (9 minutes ago)
wow.. this is an amazing explanation, it really goes in deep.. usually most explanations i've seen didn't dive into details.. but you did, which is Amazing!!.. you're a legend
planet_bluto (18 minutes ago)
Watching someone implement rollback makes it seem within reach for me. Thanks for explaining and documenting your experience implementing it, even if it was just a simple demo in Unity (I'm aspiring to make a party game [4-8 players!] with rollback netcode in Godot (or even pure JavaScript at this point now) and I'm getting really stuck because I don't know much about determinism or networking)
Jerms_McErms (28 minutes ago)
Dang dude, I tried a similar thing for my CS capstone project and wasn't nearly as well done as this (I just tried a direct port of GGPO to Java). I think I was able to get about 30secs for frame processing but only could maintain about 2 roll back frames. Good work!
alexbistagne1713 (31 minutes ago)
Cool Video!
kslchannel9522 (46 minutes ago)
So cool !
ArtisticCoqui (52 minutes ago)
Hey I am trying your demo. I'd love to try to make something small during a game jam that's coming up in two days with it. When I tried to play the demo it gave me this in the console: SocketException: A blocking operation was interrupted by a call to WSACancelBlockingCall.
djjimmaster8261 (1 hour ago)
This is just amazing, thank you so much for sharing!
christian.baumeister (2 hour ago)
very nice.
gohantabemasuer517 (2 hours ago)
Question: How do you handle inputs lost due to packet loss? This assumes you are guaranteed to transfer inputs over the connection, and are using UDP instead of TCP. Do you simply let the sender know that nothing has been received, causing the sender to send the entire game state until it is synced again?
Jun-yb5nc (22 hours ago)
Cool viDeo
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