Forever And A Dork
Forever And A Dork's Channel
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Forever And A Dork
Forever and a Dork aims to bring you the best in entertainment from a "dork" perspective!
Retro Gaming: I promise to bring you the best I can in old school games in let's plays and tutorials.
Modern Gaming: As the budget allows I promise to bring you the best gaming content from today.
Websites: I promise to give you the best website reviews whether they are meant as comical or informative.
Television: I promise to give you the most honest T.V. show reviews and news.
Movies: I promise to give you the best in depth movie reviews and analysis.
Tabletop Gaming: As the budget allows I promise to bring you tabletop gaming and news as well as recommendations for you and your whole family.
VLogs: I promise to give you the most entertaining video logs I can.
News: As the world changes I promise to give you the most unbiased opinions I can on our ever changing world.

Thank you for enjoying Forever and a Dork!
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