Peace be upon you, and Allah mercy and blessings.
Welcome to the ALIWAE Chanel
This channel will present interesting things about daily activities that are packaged in the form of Original videos. Don't forget to subscribe, like, share, and turn on the bell button so you don't miss my latest video
O Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, we ask You that you may.
My family, my brothers, my friends are always given the blessing of physical and spiritual health.
A blessed and useful age.
Happy in this world and in the hereafter.
Always be filled with halal sustenance, make it easy to do good and all its affairs.
Always get blessings, grace and taufik and guidance from Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
If later we are called to appear before you, hopefully in a state of husnul khotimah, faith and piety and all our mistakes and mistakes have been forgiven.
Always in your protection and blessing
as well as our deeds of worship are accepted and our prayers are granted by Allah Swt. aameen
Welcome to the ALIWAE Chanel
This channel will present interesting things about daily activities that are packaged in the form of Original videos. Don't forget to subscribe, like, share, and turn on the bell button so you don't miss my latest video
O Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, we ask You that you may.
My family, my brothers, my friends are always given the blessing of physical and spiritual health.
A blessed and useful age.
Happy in this world and in the hereafter.
Always be filled with halal sustenance, make it easy to do good and all its affairs.
Always get blessings, grace and taufik and guidance from Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
If later we are called to appear before you, hopefully in a state of husnul khotimah, faith and piety and all our mistakes and mistakes have been forgiven.
Always in your protection and blessing
as well as our deeds of worship are accepted and our prayers are granted by Allah Swt. aameen
Subscriptions (6)
Channel Comments
(3 minutes ago)
Hiburan tersendiri bosq,, liat kereta api lewat
(10 minutes ago)
anak anak pada heboh dipagi hari yang indah sejuk cerah sambil menunggu kereta api yang lampunya masih hidup
(17 minutes ago)
Sangat menyenangkan sekali melihat anak anak melihat kereta lewat
(27 minutes ago)
(31 minutes ago)
Mantab bang pagi2 sambil joging terus lihat kereta api lewat mantab
(46 minutes ago)
Asyiknya liat kereta api
(51 minutes ago)
Pagi yang cerah
(1 hour ago)
Anak anak senang ya mas melihat kereta api lewat di pagi hari
(1 hour ago)
Ikut senang lihat anak anak lihat kereta api lewat
(3 hours ago)
Hari hati ya bang saat liput kereta api yang sedang melintas
(14 hours ago)
Asyik bgt tuhhh bocil.nya seneng liat.nya,,,,,,
(11 hours ago)
Seru sekali, pasti seneng bgt bisa liat kreta lewat
(17 hours ago)
Seru sekali ngeliat kereta api lewat
(19 hours ago)
Semengya liat kereta lewat
(14 hours ago)
Pagi yang cerah senang ya melihat kereta api lewat
(12 hours ago)
Selamat malam sobat.wah.mantab.pagi² liat kereta api.
(20 hours ago)
Kliatannya asyik bngt....n bhgia bngt. Smoga sukses n sehat sllu
(22 hours ago)
Seru nih selalu heboh menunggu kereta tiba
(9 hours ago)
Mantep bisa liat kereta
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