RiceBro's Channel
Yea im stupid
Channel Comments
zoltanperei4789 (4 minutes ago)
Meanwhile in the hungarian tank factory:
Yeeren (9 minutes ago)
That 1 dislike is from the poor mechanic.
Mewmew-y4m (17 minutes ago)
Meanwhile in Switzerland in ww2:
DerCharacter (27 minutes ago)
On todays episode of bottom gear:
feartheghus (31 minutes ago)
“Ve did it, Hans. We made it to the other end of ze factory floor.”
josephlongbone4255 (46 minutes ago)
Meanwhile in the Italian camp
vladimir-uz3dq (51 minutes ago)
Meanwhile in Bri’ish tank design factory:
mattiabinotto2018 (1 hour ago)
Meanwhile in italy
tikinipradhan9881 (1 hour ago)
Credits to tank fish, a really good youtuber with a really good sense of humour
hydroxygen (3 hours ago)
Meanwhile Bri’ish officers reviewing NZ tanks
_nigelgaming (21 hours ago)
Meanwhile in the American M4 Sherman development facility
demilung (8 hours ago)
"We did it, Hans, we got to the other end of the factory floor"
frenchhonhon (20 hours ago)
Meanwhile in Japan:
Elderrion (19 hours ago)
Meanwhile at the Belgian tank designers
mokka1115 (3 hours ago)
Meanwhile at the french factory:
mehmet7534 (3 hours ago)
Fritz : Hans listen we are buliding a big tank and we need a name for it do you have any ideas
BonePapi (21 hours ago)
To be fair, a tank that shoots with a warship's cannon is terrifying.
fishy_bolo (3 hours ago)
Meanwhile the swedish development office :
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