X-EMPIRE is a modern metal band, founded in 2012
From the inspired minds of great musicians writing their debut album, comes an overdose of head-banging riffs, rich textures, untraditional arrangements, and involving lyrics. With many hateful gutturals, followed by a melody with a lot of feeling, the band mixes styles initially with groove metal, passing through progressive areas, currently with a new lineup flirting with metalcore and djent.
In its initial phase of End Of Times in 2014, it was to continue as a project with multiple guests, with an excellent acceptance they decided in 2017 to write the full album called GRIEF. To promote the album, 3 video clips were filmed. One of the milestones of this album was the participation of Chris Clancy frontman of Mutiny Within and Wearing Scars on the track Lei it Die.
After that, the band went on a hiatus, until in 2019 it reappeared with a new sound proposal, and a new lineup.
Following this new musical proposal since then.
From the inspired minds of great musicians writing their debut album, comes an overdose of head-banging riffs, rich textures, untraditional arrangements, and involving lyrics. With many hateful gutturals, followed by a melody with a lot of feeling, the band mixes styles initially with groove metal, passing through progressive areas, currently with a new lineup flirting with metalcore and djent.
In its initial phase of End Of Times in 2014, it was to continue as a project with multiple guests, with an excellent acceptance they decided in 2017 to write the full album called GRIEF. To promote the album, 3 video clips were filmed. One of the milestones of this album was the participation of Chris Clancy frontman of Mutiny Within and Wearing Scars on the track Lei it Die.
After that, the band went on a hiatus, until in 2019 it reappeared with a new sound proposal, and a new lineup.
Following this new musical proposal since then.
Channel Comments
(3 minutes ago)
Raphael Dantas representou nesse clipe se é loco canta muito!
(9 minutes ago)
Parabéns Michel Marcos e todos! Amo escutar, ficou massa!! 🏻🏻🏻
(17 minutes ago)
parabens, galera!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(28 minutes ago)
show de bola curtir muito <3
(32 minutes ago)
fico muito show gostei muito!
(47 minutes ago)
(52 minutes ago)
muito massa .u.u.u.uu.u.
(2 hour ago)
Mandou muito bem Michel!
(2 hour ago)
Massa o som!!!! Parabéns galera \,,/
(2 hours ago)
Another amazing job!!!
(12 hours ago)
Som fudido!
(6 hours ago)
Caralho.. muito bom... porra meu.... vcs são foda!!!Muito bom o som de vcs!!!
(20 hours ago)
arabéns, Michel Marcos Villares, Rogerio Oliveira, Felipe Gabriel, Raphael Jorge. Todos com muita competencia, tanto instrumentais como vocais, tenho ceerteza, que esse clip será o primeiro de muitos que estão por vir. Parabéns, Michel, prova que o seu trabalho como produtor não deixa a desejar, exelente. Sucesso para todos. bjs
(20 hours ago)
(2 hours ago)
Muito bom Dantas ! Curto muito o teu trampo man.. parabéns pelo artista que você é.
(19 hours ago)
Sonzera! Parabéns!
(5 hours ago)
Ficou lindo!!!
(19 hours ago)
Meu like tá dado!
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