WymasterJ's Channel
Title Fight - Anaconda Sniper
Title Fight - Goldwaite
Biunno 8th Grade Satire
Title Fight - Anaconda Sniper
Title Fight - Goldwaite
Biunno 8th Grade Satire

Channel Comments
thrashingbrad (4 minutes ago)
Whoever dislikes this doesn't understand what they have done. This is the greatest song and band ever.
TherealTFfromKingston (9 minutes ago)
They're like the best band ever, straight up.
SiberianKissed (18 minutes ago)
Ned is the bassist who has the more "rough" sounding vocals. Jamie on the other end is the higher pitched vocalist and also plays guitar.
Mattunamerican (28 minutes ago)
Band is so great! Saw them on the best tour I think I have ever seen. BAYSIDE, SENSES FAIL, BALANCE & COMPOSURE, TITLE FIGHT!!
anacondasnipers (31 minutes ago)
by far one of my favorite TF songs
FRAUSTIN867 (46 minutes ago)
Anyone who likes this band is pretty great. And even people who dont like them are probably alright too. But us, we're great.
lopez138 (52 minutes ago)
My fave title fight song
thesmootsays69 (1 hour ago)
This might be the least Title Fighty Title Fight song I've heard but it still sounds great.
clarkcant4818 (2 hour ago)
someone tell spotify this is not in fact evander
josemurillo3501 (3 hours ago)
i am a big fan of classical and folk, but when it comes to title fight, i am going crazy and just dancing. i admire this band, such a lovely sound to them.
decadepasts (1 hours ago)
I've never heard these guys before. I have been playing music all my life and I would like to think that I know good music when I hear it and these guys are not as bad as the comments below make them out to be. I would never listen to this band but these kids got some talent. This style of music is a little played out for me but for what these guys are doing they are doing it well.
Jimmy-ju7ic (2 hours ago)
damn mann, ned look so cool with that glasses
bobbyglaser (16 hours ago)
@Dave170 on itunes this song is called evander
ChristianWowk (21 hours ago)
great band, great mixture of pop and hardcore punk!
xthetempestx (14 hours ago)
this band pisses excellence. seriously they are soo great in like every aspect possible
@xcoolxhandx lol thanks. I donmt listen to em much anymore but they are good. They know how to work the stage... At a concert.. Lol
@purpbundlez  the only reason I type "lol" and other abbreviations is because it just comes to mind first, kinda like when speaking a language, German comes to mind first, then English.
7DRR (2 hours ago)
I grew up on all the bands this band is jacking but I don't think any of them had a song this good.
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