Apostle Joshua Sangweni
Apostle Joshua Sangweni's Channel
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Apostle Joshua Sangweni
Apostle Joshua Sangweni
Since the Lord Jesus encountered Skhumbuzo Sangweni in 1999 as a teenager he has become a rising voice in proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom of heaven around the world through his books, teaching resources and social media platforms.

Skhumbuzo is also a highly sought-after conference speaker. He has impacted church leaders, by preaching the unadulterated gospel of the kingdom with boldness. He is known for teaching God’s Word in a fresh, practical, & revelatory way that always unveils our Lord Jesus. His dynamic & engaging style of teaching & writing has also endeared him to a wide spectrum of viewers and readers who tune into his social media platforms for his daily devotions, Spirit-filled articles, & anointed audios & videos. Skhumbuzo & his wife, Faith Sangweni are founders of Great Light Church, a God given mandate based on Matt 4:13-18, with a sole purpose of proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom of heaven, Push back darkness, transform people, and impact the cities.

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