Snuffy's Cat Productions
Snuffy's Cat Productions's Channel
Snuffy's Cat Productions has no videos available.
Snuffy's Cat Productions
Snuffy's Cat Productions
Please no more suicide, no more bullying, no more hurt someone, no more stealing, no more guns, ride on train with hope, or watch trains going through your town until the things get better.

Hi!, I'm Snuffy, Many thanks for subscribing, watching, commenting on my videos. All videos & photos are filmed/taken by Snuffy(me) and I shoot with Sony FDR-AX100, iPhone & Canon digital camera for both photos and videos. I will upload a video every once a week or 4 to 6 videos a month.

Thank you for the comments, kind words, ratings. I'm pretty lucky to have what I want but there's always someone out there, having unfortunate circumstances, not easy to do things like we do. Believe me, I never had a camcorder for more than 30 years! I hope you enjoy my videos. I'm also not good at your response, emails quickly, sorry about that.

No trespassing when you railfan! Stop using the F-word! Stop Smoking & No Bullying!
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