Ted Michel
Ted Michel's Channel
Sonic Mania with a Saturn controller!
How I emulate handhelds
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Sonic Mania with a Saturn controller!
How I emulate handhelds
Ted Michel

Channel Comments
TorutheRedFox (3 minutes ago)
there are Saturn controller labels in the game too
kennygr8ify (9 minutes ago)
Hi, my name is Kenneth and I'm a new subscriber to your channel!
dandrawsit4915 (18 minutes ago)
This is why I'm getting the Horipad for the Switch version because of the D-PAD being shaped like a Saturn one
WhitelistedSunBans (27 minutes ago)
That’s awesome dude.
UltraEpicLeader10020 (31 minutes ago)
The way the devs intended
MF_ZORO (47 minutes ago)
That was cool af haha
Sonicfan703 (51 minutes ago)
How do I connect to?
speedmcfeed570 (1 hour ago)
There is a god!!
dashi-musashi351 (1 hour ago)
I like how many views this got despite the low sub count
BanjoKazooie0 (3 hours ago)
Absolutely based
GAZZ707 (19 hours ago)
hey can you please tell me how you got the SS controller adapter working for sonic mania because it doesn't work for me cheers :)
dashi-musashi351 (3 hours ago)
That must feel so right! Now if only the game had a 4:3 mode.
Akrenix (10 hours ago)
I'm hearing analog sticks.
johnsmith-xx6rl (9 hours ago)
hahah i play with a hori fighing commander on my ps4, its pretty close!
PlushiesAnimations (16 hours ago)
wow that is cool but you need to press the a button
LegionOfWorldWarriors (2 hours ago)
Rude and distracting tapping noise!
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