Tabaitha Elle
A mom of 1 teenager navigating life. Weekly videos ranging from topics of health, love, weightloss, beauty, natural hair, personal development & motherhood.
Channel Comments
(3 minutes ago)
If something is for you, it will find you no matter what regardless of other people's influence.
(9 minutes ago)
Great story. Nothing happens by accident. As you know, God Universe doesn't make mistakes. Your reality has already been written.
(17 minutes ago)
I'm just like you I play my numbers at 7'11 and if the cashier is in a bad mood I won't play my numbers there. I will get in my car and go to another 7''11. Look at it this way god is getting you ready for a bigger and better and believe.
(28 minutes ago)
Girl don't feel bad. That just means that you are SO close to winning. Play again, maybe at a different gas station.
(31 minutes ago)
Losing was a good thing... now you know that your next win will be $5,000 or $50,000 or even $500,000... just get back up and go forth..... never let it get you down sis.
(46 minutes ago)
You massage the universe’s spine
(52 minutes ago)
3 concepts that may help you. entrainment, temperance and imperturbable. 1st most of us walk around in a fairly neutral emotional state. entrainment is when our energy syncs up with another person's if they're energy is dominant. we walk into a room and coworkers are depressed we get depressed...people who suffer from SAD( seasonal affected disorder) mood shifts with the weather.....mobs or stadium riots happen when a crowd gets caught up in a freenzy. this we have to train ourselves to become imperturbable to the temptations and distractions in life through temperance or disapline. imperturbable means in cable of being upset or agitated. you become immovable like the mountain is when the wind blows don't become uprooted like the trees when the storm comes. you become impeccable which means incapable of sinning or flawless....your focus on your chosen state of mind stays centered regardless of distrations....if another 911 event happens you disregard it because you know your safe with God, if the economy crumbles you remain calm like Daniel in the Lions den practice that state of centerdness until it crowds out all other voices like the cat when it focuses on its do that we first recognize the state we want vs any other state....if you want to be aligned with a loving and gratitude state regardless of the reality around you. you get in that state and milk it and pratice positive thinking whenever something Temps you off your mountain this every day, every moment until it becomes your way off takes at least 3 weeks to begin a new habit
(1 hour ago)
Do not worry about it, your day is coming! Stay positive and do not let others bring you down. Bless you
(2 hour ago)
it's all good...just as the earth comes full do our blessings :-) it's great that you are in tune!
(3 hours ago)
Ola, you have seen evidence that something good is about to manifest, forget the past and continue to vibrate loudly. the same thing happened to me 5 times and only when I stabilized my energy in peace did prosperity begin to enter. good luck
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