World-famous Creepypasta author and general badass, Slimebeast, is perhaps best known for writing the "Abandoned By Disney" series and training himself to hover twenty feet off the ground at will. Creator of FearFic, owner of r/Creepypasta and the official Creepypasta channel on YouTube. Wrote other stories, but you haven't heard of them. Slimebeast is single-handedly responsible for the destruction of fifteen thousand Osama clones and the number is rising every day. Once fought a bear to get out of a traffic ticket. Coined the terms "Keyhole Fiction", "Microwave Horror", and "Big Burly Bungus". Inventor of the trident-head screwdriver. Knows all the dirty secrets of MrCreepypasta and CreepsMcPasta and makes sure the skeletons in their closet get enough to eat.
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This space for rant.
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