Hi everyone and welcome to my channel where you can watch my live streams , shorts and videos but there are some rules - no bullying me , no harassing me , you can mention me but not to many times , no stealing my videos and enjoy my videos - be sure to like subscribe and turn on notifications
This channel is for users aged - 13 and older
These users and not allowed for reasons
Jack Howell , mason brown , Martin Hodgson , Edwin the ea sports fan , Qsia , Paul Jones , U&JK , evil sandr , Freddie Driscoll , Harris , Lucy spammer , Patrick Joyce
This channel is for users aged - 13 and older
These users and not allowed for reasons
Jack Howell , mason brown , Martin Hodgson , Edwin the ea sports fan , Qsia , Paul Jones , U&JK , evil sandr , Freddie Driscoll , Harris , Lucy spammer , Patrick Joyce
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