RylynnGT's Channel
My True Identity
My True Identity

❤️ Following God, Just Here To Make You Happy ❤️
Channel Comments
TymeTravels (4 minutes ago)
Even though you’re the infamous Bizarre, I forgive you. And admitting you did something wrong or bad is one of the best things to know, and one of the first steps to healing or becoming a better person is
Captain3987 (9 minutes ago)
We forgive you bIZZARE
XDeaglesike (17 minutes ago)
Hey man just because you made a bad choice doesn't mean that your a bad person we all make one big mistake in life and everyone does. Just make sure you don't feel bad about yourself we love you man.
Imknownascool (28 minutes ago)
Everyone makes mistakes man i hope everything is doing well for you. You were put in a tough position but that’s in the past. Be safe️
josh_isthemaster2560 (32 minutes ago)
We forgive you, youve did some wrongs but your ok , dont hide yourself your a new legend returning.. dont be sad please...
Rushro61 (46 minutes ago)
Sup I’m a anonymous friend
Godvr89 (51 minutes ago)
You know what guys lets give him a chance he did wrong the first time but the past will be the past lets forgive him
0fficialDuBVr (2 hour ago)
Can I join thé communty also #forgivebizzaregt WE all forgive u bizzare
DisasterVR (2 hour ago)
bro finally said the truth
Scooterzvr (2 hours ago)
Ay man I wanna try to pull a interview with you on discord by the why I’m friends with poewis.
Officialvrfs (10 hours ago)
We all forgive you bizzare
monkeyking_1103 (10 hours ago)
even if you did that i still think you are a good youtuber nothing can change my mind we all love you bizarre
Cinnamon-c9c (5 hours ago)
Why is the controversy still happening like geez
tommy_vr1 (18 hours ago)
I forgive
Cinnamon-c9c (12 hours ago)
W bz
Sodasplash_yeeps (21 hours ago)
It’s ok bizarre
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