AlexAuAsmr's Channel
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Hello everyone! This is AlexAuASMR, my channel is dedicated to making asmr videos. ASMR stands for autonomous sensory meridian response, which means that when you hear a certain sound, or see some certain things, you get tingles that travels from your head down to your back. ASMR is for relaxation purposes, and it helped out people with insomnia, anxiety, and other types of disease/illness that prevents us from having a good night sleep. If you find this channel, and enjoys asmr, I strongly encourage you to check out my videos, and see if any of them works for you, hopefully I can trigger your asmr, and relax you. Thank you for checking my channel out and I hope you enjoy your stay here at AlexAuASMR Channel! Have a good one!
- AlexAuASMR
May,2, 2014
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