Evan Prince
Media Made With Passion
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(3 minutes ago)
You gotta see the actual cover art of US Budokai 2. It's not an off-white but a very shiny holographic silver. The image you grabbed doesn't do it justice.
(9 minutes ago)
The Cell what if in Budokai doesn't have to make sense, because it's a dream. The "explanation" is that Cell's opinion of Krillin is low, so of course he'd have a nightmare about his absorption process about almost achieving Perfection only to somehow end up weaker.
(17 minutes ago)
"you'd be burnt out and wouldn't even want to play the game anymore" sir. You under estimate the ability to grind when your parents don't buy you many games. Lol I had all breakthroughs for all characters on both budakai one and two.
(28 minutes ago)
the bit about Budokai 1 taking the place of DVDs and Blurays is such a good point. Kids are spoiled now compared to what it was like then. Must have played story mode repeatedly just to watch it
(31 minutes ago)
I credit the Dragon Ball series as almost single handed lay nearly ruining my education. I was obsessed, daydreaming at school during the 90s.
(46 minutes ago)
Budokai 2 is easily the weirdest one, but that's what makes it my personal favorite.
(52 minutes ago)
Brother has such a HUGE passion and agenda for Android 19
(1 hour ago)
46:54 Yeah, I made this mistake as a kid and beat Frieza with Piccolo instead of Goku so I never got Super Saiyan. Instead I got "Fuse with Nail" as a skill for Piccolo. Trying to beat Kid Buu with a non-Super Saiyan Goku was a hurdle I could never get over as a kid.
(2 hour ago)
Dragon World has an item that gives characters an extra turn when collected and can only be found by digging. Goku does not automatically get an extra turn, you’ve must’ve found one by luck. Super Buu in stage 8 has one in his spawn point and grabs it by digging it up if you don’t get to him right away.
(3 hours ago)
i love the running gag of android 19's absence in these games cause I've never seen anyone bring this guy so much up than this youtuber
(4 hours ago)
Idk what you’re talking about, Budokai did give us a really cool hidden character, The Great Saiyaman.
(3 hours ago)
"why did they do this, why did they cut it into two parts like this?"
(4 hours ago)
They didn’t have the buu saga in budokai 1 because we were just now getting the dubbed version of the buu saga in America when the game was released
(3 hours ago)
Not sure if anyone mentioned it, but there is a secret ending with Broly in B3 where he defeats Gohan and destroys Earth.
(6 hours ago)
I think Great Saiyaman is the best option for hidden characters from beyond the Cell Saga. Consider: the big moments of the buu saga would.have been partially spoiled since it hadn't premiered fully for the US if it was put in (Ultimate Gohan, any form of Buu, Goku with a Halo, Majin Vegeta (beyond the image in game but that seemed like an oversight tbh), Vegito, Supreme Kai, hell even Videl or Yamu or Spopovich would have been giving details away).
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