Lori Hackney
Channel Comments
(4 minutes ago)
This too sad, I'm sorry for your lost.
(10 minutes ago)
My Papa is dying right now. Even in Hospice he has been sooo agitated and in agony. To watch a human suffer like this is beyond words much less your own father. It breaks my heart into pieces that because of the fall we all have to ensure some measure of this. I just never thought my daddy would’ve had to go out in this long drawn out fashion. I hope soon he will be at Peace. ️
(18 minutes ago)
"What are you doing?" His response reminds me of exactly how my daddy was when he was in his last month. Those damned cigarettes. If I'd known it would have happened, I'd have stolen them every time I saw them from the moment I was able to.
(28 minutes ago)
My dad also passed away from stage 4 cancer, your dad and my dad look alot alike, I'm sorry for your lost and my prayers are with you and your family!
(32 minutes ago)
I'm so sorry for your loss! It's tough watching someone you love slip away...sweetie you & your family & children have my sympathy! May your Father RIP!!!
(46 minutes ago)
you did the right thing recording this, i wish i did it for my are a very strong dad died 4 tears ago and it still rips me apart some days....
(51 minutes ago)
Terminal agitation. So glad my dad only did this once or twice quickly. Prayers so hard 10 months since my dad left us stage 4 pancreatic cancer
(2 hour ago)
well now he's happy in another place up in heaven
(1 hour ago)
I am so sorry for you. This might happen to me soon and I just want to know I'm not alone. I hope you don't stay too sad over him, I know he'd want you to be happy and keep going in life, just don't forget about him. Cancer is the worst but I never thought anyone in my family would get it because we don't have any history of it at all, it's usually diabetes or heart disease. I'm very sorry and I hope he's in a better place now; cancer free and waiting for you to come join him when it's your time. <3
(3 hours ago)
I respect this post because education is so important in fighting cancer!
(19 hours ago)
Happy Father's Day honey, I'm so sorry you lost your Dad.
(7 hours ago)
The day before my Grandad passed he also kept trying to take things off, kept trying to get out of bed, and kept saying he was going home. He was hallucinating and pretending to be smoking and drinking tea. He was on a BiPAP machine, so he wasn’t able to talk very much. I’m sorry for your loss ️
(4 hours ago)
Thank you for sharing this moment, Lori. Ignore the haters. They don't understand. I know why you filmed this. You love your dad. Sending prayers your way.
(6 hours ago)
This gentleman was exhibiting 'terminal restlessness', picking at things on and around him. It can be confusing and upsetting for family and friends, but the patient is not usually aware or bothered. God Bless and RIP.
(7 hours ago)
Who could dislike this
(21 hours ago)
Awww this is super sad I hope you are ok sorry for your lost R.I.P
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