EggXitioN Gaming
EggXitioN Gaming's Channel
EggXitioN Gaming
Hey guys, just a noob with some games :)
Used to be "Miist Gaming"
Currently foccuse on my Twitch channel :)

Channel Comments
dopeboiboof (3 minutes ago)
How do you download this game??
yaniafifa4732 (10 minutes ago)
hey man, I got a box with ACE, SABO and REIJU shards, I'm confused about choosing between 1, which one is the most worth it, one of the 3
raniasweetie6856 (17 minutes ago)
qzuax4868 (28 minutes ago)
You got Marshall D teach and no uped.... he's so broken mate....
nhutpham5398 (32 minutes ago)
I Kunbi here on the same server
cadellvritra7127 (47 minutes ago)
can i switch in different server?
hongdeptraiquo9933 (51 minutes ago)
D- teach let go=>
xXxTxM00xXx (2 hour ago)
Next time don’t refresh you got many shit
omaralgargote218 (1 hour ago)
ii1193 (3 hours ago)
Клас хоть ти и англиец но видео класне️️
xTrolingGtx (7 hours ago)
How to get the ticket?
fridoyunanto9233 (11 hours ago)
why can't I join the event?
raniasweetie6856 (14 hours ago)
How did you get 45000 daimond
R.RealityGambling (12 hours ago)
do egg hunt event bro
zbrysf6440 (16 hours ago)
Im only use 8k dias lol. More lucky than you
ahsinsakho4385 (8 hours ago)
Give away️
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