Faith ManifestationTV
Faith ManifestationTV's Channel
Faith ManifestationTV
Faith ManifestationTV
FAITH MANIFESTATION TV is a Christian channel inspired by God to reach the world with the Triumphant good news of Jesus Christ. To rejuvenate the world with undiluted Holy Ghost filled words to change lives.

Vision: Use the prophetic unction to win souls to the glory of God.
Mandate given to Evangelist Peace Ugowonni.
Channel Comments
catherinesekpokimi7641 (4 minutes ago)
Powerful word. Thank you Evan. Peace God bless you richly. More Grace
princesszion7461 (10 minutes ago)
I will definitely study the word for 30 minutes in loving him. Thank you and God bless you.
JourneyWithTari (17 minutes ago)
God bless you Pastor Peace
kenyahurley1691 (27 minutes ago)
Great word bro!!! Keep it up!!! God bless u!!!
victoradebomi7188 (32 minutes ago)
Hmm. Beautiful message
esthermumboh6469 (47 minutes ago)
Thanks sir May God bless u
ndtvnetworks (51 minutes ago)
Awesome. More grace Sir
stephenangulu (2 hour ago)
Thank you brother Daubote. God bless you indeed for this word in season. Cheers
isaiahtinatei7122 (1 hour ago)
Amen!!!! I received in Jesus Name.
PaulineDivine (2 hours ago)
Yes,Prophets are the masterpiece of God.Gods word in our life will surely been fulfilled
happymummy4916 (7 hours ago)
Yes Jesus is the way the truth and life
joymanfredgunuboh800 (7 hours ago)
God is ur strength...
daddyboy8449 (12 hours ago)
Jesus is my all anytime anyday
classickitchentv1732 (19 hours ago)
Thanks for sharing
bralateitoikumoh9263 (6 hours ago)
Great words
tamgunuboh2103 (8 hours ago)
This’s so powerful bro
NazorEzeh (10 hours ago)
"If He has said it, He can do it".
apostlesamuel-woletv (2 hours ago)
Yes, by the word of a prophet I will excel and all word spoken by God upon my life through a prophet will com to fulfillment. Thank you for sharing
ToyinO1 (22 hours ago)
God bless you sir
theresakpando5876 (18 hours ago)
Praise God sir.
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