Michael Edwards
Michael Edwards's Channel
Djent shred, cause why not have both?
What if Doom hired a shred guitar player?
8 string acoustic + Drop D1 = Folk Metal?
This shreddy Djent riff is pure evil!
8 string whammy bar riffs are pure evil!
METAL RAVE!!!!!!!! (9 String Guitar)
Michael Edwards

Channel Comments
mattlawson714 (3 minutes ago)
I think the reason they don’t make these anymore is that most people who play in the genre own an electric, and classic fingerpickers like myself get lost with the extra strings. Basically: most people are not as talented as you are to do something with this instrument. You make it sound amazing, many of us could not do that.
JosephOfTheJungle (10 minutes ago)
Holy heck, that was the perfect amount of raaaaaahhhh after the twing, ting, thing. Sick track bro. Hope to hear a full version of this ️
averyplaysguitar (17 minutes ago)
wtf? a headless multiscale 8 string acoustic guitar? that's insane! I love it!! I've never seen anything like this before.
cristopherrose9356 (27 minutes ago)
This sounds INCREDIBLE
flufo (31 minutes ago)
God that scared the shit out of me, very neat thank you :>
BigBait12 (47 minutes ago)
This sounds incredible and unique. I love it.
lryuen_2261 (52 minutes ago)
there's so much going on, 8 string headless acoustic t-style... and I'm loving it
RaulEdu33 (2 hour ago)
LOL was listening closely waiting for Djent, all the sudden Wrraaaaaaahh!!!! made me jump out of desk.
dezzywezzy5471 (2 hour ago)
This is amazing I didnt know they made acoustic 8 strings
WIKKRMUSIC (2 hours ago)
Agile makes really cool acoustic 7-8 strings
betaguitarist9385 (23 hours ago)
Would love to try the 8 string acoustic! Sick riff!
TheLiznaith (6 hours ago)
Imma need this on soundcloud. Positively smashing
nigelgrimm6 (15 hours ago)
I like how you started to rock hard after playing the acoustic part!
bolillo5013 (11 hours ago)
That was beautiful
alexandersemenec9786 (13 hours ago)
That was awesome. Bombed it
sergeibatiuk3468 (19 hours ago)
That acoustic intro was something. Can you make more of it?
MikeAngelo7604 (23 hours ago)
Amazing, my heart literally jumped at the same time of the whaaaaaaa
9ubagurbi6 (22 hours ago)
you have joy with it and thats most important, nice man :D
waltuh7648 (10 hours ago)
"But wait, it's not a real dje..."
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