Hanaa zedan
Hanaa zedan's Channel
اسهل طريقه لعمل المايونيز
باظ . الشربات سكر وباظ
بسبوسه بطعم الكراميل
تورتة الفريرو روشيه 2022
Ice cream cake. 2022
رموش الست روعه
Hanaa zedan
انا هناء زيدان
شيف /هناء زيدان...Hanaa.zedan
الدارسة مطبخ فرنسي( إيجوث )
مدرس فن طهي
مدرب معتمد قسم حلواني شرقي وغربي .
من الاسكندريه

Channel Comments
mona3_3Cook (4 minutes ago)
طريقه جميله لعمل المايونيز وتسلم يدك
Mama.noga22 (9 minutes ago)
مايونيز روووعة وتحضير مميز وحاجة بيتى ومضمونة تسلم ايدك الحلوة حبيبتى
طريقه المايونيز ممتازه تسلم ايدك وفعلا تستحق التجربه حبيبتي
Mama.noga22 (27 minutes ago)
السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته كل سنة وحضرتك طيبه وبخير يارب
cheef-Atef (32 minutes ago)
اسهل طريقه لعمل المايونيز
LiKe12345x (46 minutes ago)
Great Job!
Nawelitah (52 minutes ago)
Perfect ...
Mnbv9054 (1 hour ago)
He needs medical treatment. ‍️
josephlester3608 (1 hour ago)
I liked the knife work. Very precise.
piedmontpilgrim1 (2 hours ago)
Dulcecasper (3 hours ago)
23:42 pourquoi je retiens ma respiration jusqu'à 23:57
kaybrown4741 (20 hours ago)
It is ashamed that you used that knife as often as you did when it was easier for you to just squeezed the pimples. We saw how many of them popped open when you was squeezing other pimples. Think about what you are doing to your client when it is clearly unnecessary
bnellaniyah (3 hours ago)
What type of acne is this? What's it called?
gloriajohnson2006 (5 hours ago)
Why are you sticking his pimples when you can easily squeeze them out?
chickcastiello1362 (17 hours ago)
If you are going to steal content,don’t pick THE MORST RECOGNIZABLE OPERATOR IN THE INDUSTRY!!!!! Ridiculous.
Sylk505 (13 hours ago)
Poor kid will never get rid of all this infection if she keeps spreading it round the face with dirty gloves and dirty cotton wool
chickcastiello1362 (8 hours ago)
Thuy of sac dep spa is Vietnamese not middle eastern. Who is click baiting here??????
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